Research Articles

2016  |  Vol: 2 (2)  |  Issue: 2 (March-April)
Investigations for anti-urolithiatic activity of Tephrosia purpurea roots against ethylene glycol-induced renal calculi in rats

Ajay Shukla*, Pramod Mourya

Department of Pharmacy

Guru Ramdas Khalsa Institute of Science and Technology, Jabalpur (M.P.), India

*Corresponding Address

Ajay Shukla

Department of Pharmacy

Guru Ramdas Khalsa Institute of Science and Technology, Jabalpur (M.P.), India


Objective: Tephrosia purpurea is used as digestive, antiulcer, diuretic and antitussive in ayurvedic practice. Decoction of roots is given in dyspepsia, diarrheoa, rheumatism, asthma and urinary disorder. The objective of present study was to investigate anti-urolithiatic activity of ethanolic and aqueous extract of T. purpurea roots against ethylene glycol-induced renal calculi in rats. Materials and methods: Ethanol and aqueous extract was administered into the calculogenic rats to observe the increased calcium and oxalate level and number of calcium oxalate crystal in the kidney tissue of rats. Results: Results indicate that ethylene glycol administered to rats resulted in to hyper hypercalciuria, oxaluria, and increased renal excretion of phosphate. Treatment with ethanolic and aqueous extracts of T. purpurea roots significantly prevented level of urinary calcium, oxalate and phosphate excretion. The possible mechanism of this effect is mediated through antioxidant nephroprotection. Microscopic analysis also confirmed the deposition of calcium oxalate crystals and disruption of tubular cells that protected significantly (P<0.05) with 300 mg/kg dose of ethanolic extract of T. purpurea given to the rats. Conclusion: The results of the study was supported the protective effect of ethanolic extract of T. purpurea against the urolithiasis.

Keywords: Tephrosia purpurea, anti-urolithiatic, ethylene glycol, antioxidant, flavonoids

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