Research Articles

2024  |  Vol: 10(4)  |  Issue: 4(July-August)  |

Preparation and evaluation of Hesperidin ointment for burn wound healing potential

Ravindra Kumar Prajapati1, Santram Lodhi2

1Vedica College of B. Pharmacy, RKDF University, Bhopal (M.P.) 462033

2Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, RKDF University, Bhopal (M.P.) 462033

*Address for Corresponding Author

Dr. Santram Lodhi

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, RKDF University, Bhopal (M.P.) 462033


Objective: Wound healing process consists of different phases such as granulation, collagenation, collagen maturation and scar maturation are some of the many phases, which are independent to each other. Objective of present study was to prepare and evaluate Hesperidin ointment for burn wound healing effect. Material and methods: Hesperidin ointment (HO, 2.5 and 5%w/w) was prepared by using simple ointment base B.P. Ointment prepared by fusion method and evaluated using different evaluation parameters such as pH, physical appearance, diffusibility, extrudibility. The prepared hesperidin ointment formulations were evaluated for effect on full thickness burn wound model in rats. Results: Results were shown that wound contraction from days 12 to 18, was found significantly (P<0.05) faster in rats treated with hesperidin ointment and comparable with marketed formulation, 5 % w/w Povidone Iodine Ointment USP. We point out that burn wounds treated with ointment base alone did not achieve full-closure by day 20, while wounds treated with HO 5%w/w and Reference ointment groups was found complete healing in 18 days. In addition, 2.5 % w/w HO ointment treated groups of animals were found wound closure occurred in 20 days. The hydroxyproline content in animals treated with HO 5%w/w, HO 2.5% w/w and reference ointment was found significantly (P<0.05) greater than control group of animals. Over the 20-day treatment period, the protein content of wounds treatment groups with HO 5%w/w (72.33±2.85) was found significantly (P< 0.05) increased than control group of animals. Conclusion: In conclusion, Hesperidin having strong antioxidant, healing effect and anti-inflammatory potential as already reported by various researchers. These properties of hesperidin may supports in present study of hesperidin ointment for burn wound healing effect.

Keywords: Hesperidin, burn wound, ointment, Povidone Iodine Ointment, antioxidant

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