Research Articles

2023  |  Vol: 9  |  Issue: 6(Nov-Dec)  |
Development and Characterization of Fluconazole loaded Emulgel for the treatment of Cutaneous Candidiasis

Vishakha Soni, Harshita Jain, Mansha Singhai, Sunil K. Jain, Amit Verma*

Adina Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, NH, Bhopal Road, Sagar (M.P.), India – 470001

*Address for Corresponding Author

Dr. Amit Verma

Department of Pharmaceutics

Adina Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, NH, Bhopal road, Sagar (M.P.), India – 470 001



Cutaneous candidiasis (CC) is an opportunistic fungal infection of the skin generally caused by the yeast-like fungus Candida albicans. It is a secondary yeast infection that can be either sub-acute or chronic in nature. In human beings, Candida species is a part of the normal flora of human skin and gastrointestinal and genitourinary systems. Overgrowth of Candida species is disturbed by normal bacterial Flora. The present study was focused on formulating and evaluating the antifungal drug fluconazole-loaded emulgel with a gelling agent such as carbapol-940 and guar-gum for effective delivery i.e., modifying the release rate of a drug on target infective site. On the basis of the finding of the study, amongst all the developed formulation F2 showed highest drug release and highest drug content and formulation F3 showed good spreadability because in these formulation carbapol 940 is used and while guar gum loaded emulgel formulation F5 showed highest content and highest drug release, respectively. 

Keywords: Cutaneous candidiasis; Emulgel; Fluconazole; Carbapol-940; Guar-gum

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